“Yukarıda Açlık Kesin, Aşağıda Ölüm Belki!” Ocakta Çalışmak Bir Tercih mi?
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İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
Erişim Hakkı
Öz- Zonguldak kömür havzası, insanıyla, yer üstü ve yer altı ormanlarıyla varlığının her döneminde kaynak sağlayan olmuş; günümüzde yer altı ormanlarını (taşkömürü) ülkemiz enerji üretimine sunan Havza, kömürden önce yer üstü ormanlarını İstanbul’daki Haliç Tersanesi’nin kullanımına sunmuştu. 1840’larda başlayan kömürlü dönem Havzadaki üretim ve çalışma ilişkilerini ve de çalışma olgusuna atfedilen anlamı değiştirmiş, dönüştürmüştür. Fakat, barındırdığı yüksek risklere rağmen yer altı maden işçiliği hiçbir zaman unutulmamış, talep görmeye devam etmiştir. Bu çalışmada Havza insanının yer altında çalışmaya yönelmesine etki eden dinamiğin keşfedilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda; öncelikle bağlamın özellikleri, ardından bağlam ile çalışma olgusu arasındaki ilişkiler aktarılmakta ve madende yer altı işçisi olarak çalışmanın Havza insanının iradesini yansıtan bir tercih olup olmadığı tartışılmaktadır. Tartışmayı desteklemek üzere; zihinleri meşgul etmesi gereken bu konu ile yüzleşmemizde ve bu çalışmanın filizlenip büyümesinde etkili olan, Avrupa Birliği***destekli İş’te Psikososyal Güvenlik Projesi**** kapsamında işyeri hekimleri ve iş güvenliği uzmanları ile gerçekleştirilen odak grup çalışmalarında aktarılan ifadelere de yer verilmektedir.
Abstract- With its inhabitants, aboveground and subsurface forests, the Zonguldak coal basin has been a resource supplier throughout its exis-tence. Today, the Basin, which supplies subsurface forests (hard coal) for our country’s energy generation, has taken on the responsi-bility of transporting lumber from aboveground forests to Istanbul’s Golden Horn Shipyard. Beginning in the 1840s, the coal-bearing period altered and reshaped the Basin’s production and labour relations, and the meaning ascribed to the phenomena of work. No-netheless, despite the inherent dangers, working as an underground mining worker has never been forgotten and has always been in great demand. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the dynamics that influence the Basin’s residents’ desire to work underground. To accomplish this goal, the context’s qualities, the relationships between the context and the working phenomena are explored, and the question of whether working as an underground miner reflects the Basin people’s will is discussed. Studies within the scope of The European Union-funded Psychosocial Security at Work Project were effective in confronting this issue that should occupy our minds. Among these studies, focus group discussions with occupational physicians and occupational safety experts were carried out as part of the Project. The statements made during these discussions were included to support this discussion, as well.
Abstract- With its inhabitants, aboveground and subsurface forests, the Zonguldak coal basin has been a resource supplier throughout its exis-tence. Today, the Basin, which supplies subsurface forests (hard coal) for our country’s energy generation, has taken on the responsi-bility of transporting lumber from aboveground forests to Istanbul’s Golden Horn Shipyard. Beginning in the 1840s, the coal-bearing period altered and reshaped the Basin’s production and labour relations, and the meaning ascribed to the phenomena of work. No-netheless, despite the inherent dangers, working as an underground mining worker has never been forgotten and has always been in great demand. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the dynamics that influence the Basin’s residents’ desire to work underground. To accomplish this goal, the context’s qualities, the relationships between the context and the working phenomena are explored, and the question of whether working as an underground miner reflects the Basin people’s will is discussed. Studies within the scope of The European Union-funded Psychosocial Security at Work Project were effective in confronting this issue that should occupy our minds. Among these studies, focus group discussions with occupational physicians and occupational safety experts were carried out as part of the Project. The statements made during these discussions were included to support this discussion, as well.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Working, Zonguldak Coal Basin, compulsory work, production and labour relations, Çalışma, Zonguldak Kömür Havzası, iş mükellefiyeti, üretim ve çalışma ilişkileri
Reflektif Journal of Social Sciences, 2021, Vol.2(3)