‘Mağdur’ sığınmacının temsili: etik odaklı çerçeve ve hak temelli bakış
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET: Makalenin ilk bölümünde, genellikle mağdur veya korunmasız olarak temsil edilen grupların temsili ve anlamlandırılması üzerine çalışanlar için etik odaklı bir çerçeve önerilmekte, ikinci bölümde ise, bu tip bir analizin motivasyonu ve ortaya dökebileceği bazı tartışmaların normatif zemini kısaca tartışılmaktadır. İhtiyaçları, kırılganlıkları ve genel anlamıyla mağduriyetleri medya araçları yo-luyla sunulan gruplar ve bu grupları oluşturan bireylerin nasıl temsil edildiği farklı çerçevelerde ve farklı vakalar göz önüne alınarak incelenmektedir. Ancak, bu temsillerin ve tartışmaların ‘uzaktaki izleyici’ için örneğin kozmopolit bir sorumluluk bilincine yönelik ne denli zemin hazırlayabildiği bir soru işaretidir. Buna mukabil, bu yazıda ilgili analizlerin benimseyebileceği arka plana bir örnek olarak hak temelli bakışın ve bireyi salt ‘ihtiyaç sahibi’ olarak temsil ya da inşa etmemenin normatif önemini ortaya koymayı da amaçlamaktayım. Bu yazı, ek olarak, bireylerin bu tip etik açıdan kayda değer meseleler bağlamında, kendilerini ve diğer bireyleri nasıl tahayyül ettiklerinin de inceleneceği çalışmalara da bir zemin sunmaktadır. Yazının bütününde, sığınmacılar örnek alınarak bu tartışmalar yürütülmektedir.
ABSTRACT: In this study, I offer an ethics-based framing to investigate the (re)presentations of vulnerable individuals or groups (e.g. non-establish-ment migrants or asylum seekers) taking the asylum seekers as a case in point. In the first part, I make some suggestions about how different ethical perspectives can be incorporated into analyzing news items or discussions, and their framing of asylum seekers. In the second part, I highlight the motivations behind such an ethical framing. Arguably, (re)presentations of vulnerable groups bring about the promise of a global or cosmopolitan awareness towards our moral and political responsibilities towards the groups in question. As the distant other, we are supposed to gain an insight into someone else’s pain and realize our own responsibilities. However, there is also a scepticism towards victimization of vulnerable groups (e.g. asylum seekers) through which one’s agency might be reduced to being a mere ‘receiver’ while one’s unique life stories, agency, rights and our correlative responsibilities are not recognized. It is merely an assumption that the covering of the suffering of the other will bring about a cosmopolitan perception of our responsibilities. To that end, I highlight the normative importance of right-based framing rather than representing certain vulnerable individuals as mere aid-receivers. Such a normative background is also of importance while analyzing how individuals make sense of their own positions towards themselves and towards ‘the other’ in the context of ethically-charged issues as such.
ABSTRACT: In this study, I offer an ethics-based framing to investigate the (re)presentations of vulnerable individuals or groups (e.g. non-establish-ment migrants or asylum seekers) taking the asylum seekers as a case in point. In the first part, I make some suggestions about how different ethical perspectives can be incorporated into analyzing news items or discussions, and their framing of asylum seekers. In the second part, I highlight the motivations behind such an ethical framing. Arguably, (re)presentations of vulnerable groups bring about the promise of a global or cosmopolitan awareness towards our moral and political responsibilities towards the groups in question. As the distant other, we are supposed to gain an insight into someone else’s pain and realize our own responsibilities. However, there is also a scepticism towards victimization of vulnerable groups (e.g. asylum seekers) through which one’s agency might be reduced to being a mere ‘receiver’ while one’s unique life stories, agency, rights and our correlative responsibilities are not recognized. It is merely an assumption that the covering of the suffering of the other will bring about a cosmopolitan perception of our responsibilities. To that end, I highlight the normative importance of right-based framing rather than representing certain vulnerable individuals as mere aid-receivers. Such a normative background is also of importance while analyzing how individuals make sense of their own positions towards themselves and towards ‘the other’ in the context of ethically-charged issues as such.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Etik, hak, medya, temsil, sığınmacı, Ethics, rights, media, representation, refugee
Reflektif: Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi