Rethinking sexual difference with spinoza
dc.contributor.advisor | Talay Turner, Zeynep | | | Gökçe, Tansu | | | 2021-04-30T12:55:08Z | | | 2021-04-30T12:55:08Z | | | 2020 | |
dc.department | […] | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to read the philosophy of Spinoza with sexual difference feminism. Spinoza's philosophy has been found useful for some of the contemporary feminist philosophers in the face of modern philosophy, which has kept the agenda of feminist philosophy for many years, and the studies that incorporated Spinoza's philosophy into a practice of re-reading from a feminist perspective have gained a certain momentum. Although he formed his philosophy in a critical period such as the 17th century, Spinoza, who has been considered as a useful moment for feminist philosophy, maintains his actuality in the face of the problematics of modern philosophy which has been the target of many criticisms for many years and inspires new discussions in this field. Spinoza inspired many philosophers in France in the 1960s in terms of both metaphysical and political ideas and managed to attract the attention of feminists with his own originality. In this context, the thesis aims to examine the encounter between sexual difference feminism and Spinoza's philosophy by considering the tensions and positive aspects of this encounter. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | ÖZET: Bu tez konusunun amacı Spinoza felsefesini cinsel fark feminizmi ile birlikte okumaktır. Spinoza felsefesi, feminist felsefenin gündemini uzun yıllar boyunca meşgul eden modern felsefe karşısında çağdaş feminist felsefecilerin bir kısmı için kullanışlı bulunmuş, Spinoza felsefesini feminist bir perspektiften yeniden okuma pratiğine dâhil eden çalışmalar belli bir ivme kazanmıştır. 17. yy gibi erken bir dönemde, çeşitli alanlardan yöneltilen eleştirilerin hedefi olmuş modern felsefenin problematikleri karşısında kullanışlı bir uğrak olarak değerlendirilen Spinoza felsefesi, feminist çalışmalar için güncelliğini korumakta ve bu alanda yeni tartışmalara vesile olmaktadır. Spinoza hem metafizik hem de politik fikirleri bakımından 1960’lar Fransa’sında pek çok düşünüre ilham vermiş, bunun yanı sıra kendi özgünlüğü ile feministlerin de dikkatini çekmeyi başarmıştır. Bu bağlamda tez, özel olarak cinsel fark feminizmi ile Spinoza felsefesinin karşılaşmasını, bu karşılaşmanın gerilimlerini ve olumlu yönlerini göz önünde bulundurmak suretiyle incelemeyi hedefliyor. | en_US |
dc.description.tableofcontents | TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ........................................................................................................................... iv ABSTRACT ..........................................................................................................................v ÖZET .................................................................................................................................. vi INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................1 CHAPTER 1: SPINOZA’S PHILOSOPHY ........................................................................7 1.1. Starting Point for Ethics: Substance-God or Nature ................................................7 1.1.1. Attributes of God .................................................................................................9 1.1.2. Modes of God ..................................................................................................... 10 1.1.3. A Number of Prejudices About God or Nature ................................................ 12 1.2. Mind and Body ......................................................................................................... 14 1.3. The Three Kinds of Knowledge ............................................................................... 20 1.4. Affects, Affections and Desire .................................................................................. 24 1.5. Reason, Freedom and Democracy ........................................................................... 30 CHAPTER 2: SEXUAL DIFFERENCE FEMINISM AND SPINOZA ........................... 39 2.1. Sexual Difference Theory and Body ........................................................................ 39 2.2. Spinoza’s Anti-dualistic Perspective: Rejection of the Mind/Body Distinction ..... 49 2.2.1. Dichotomous Axis of the Cartesian Tradition .................................................. 49 2.2.2. Spinozist Lens: Beyond Dualism ....................................................................... 53 2.3. From the Denaturalization and Recognition to the Renaturalization and Imperceptibility ............................................................................................................... 66 2.4. Spinoza’s God as an “Envelope” ............................................................................ 74 CHAPTER 3: IN SPITE OF SPINOZA: SEXUAL DIFFERENCE IN DEMOCRACY 83 3.1. Return to the Ethics ................................................................................................. 86 3.2. Return to the Politics ................................................................................................ 92 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 97 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 102 | en_US |
dc.fullTextLevel | Full Text | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | en_US |
dc.national | National | en_US |
dc.publisher | İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi | en_US |
dc.relation.publicationcategory | Diğer | en_US |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | en_US |
dc.subject | Spinoza | en_US |
dc.subject | Sexual Difference | en_US |
dc.subject | Gender | en_US |
dc.subject | Feminist Philosophy | en_US |
dc.subject | Ethico-Politics | en_US |
dc.subject | Cinsel Fark | en_US |
dc.subject | Toplumsal Cinsiyet | en_US |
dc.subject | Feminist Felsefe | en_US |
dc.subject | Etik-Politik | en_US |
dc.title | Rethinking sexual difference with spinoza | en_US |
dc.title.alternative | Spinoza ile cinsel farkı yeniden düşünmek | en_US |
dc.type | Software | en_US |