Phiosophy and Social ThoughtKeskin, FerdaTosuner, Salih Burak2016-01-292016-01-292014 thesis will aim to give an overview of Agamben’s notion of potentiality and will try to show how central that conception is–to identify his trajectory–throughout his various works that extend to a large time span. A strong bond can be established between his ideas of potentiality, vocation, inoperativeness, infancy, singularity, community, sovereignty, philosophy, representation, paradigm and ethics. As one further investigates his books, the centrality of potentiality becomes increasingly clear.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAgemben's Potentiality: An OverviewAgembend'de Potansiyellikİ: Bir Genel BakışMaster Thesis621380709