Koenitz, HartmutHaahr, MadsFerri, GabrieleSezen, Tonguc IbrahimSezen, Digdem2024-07-182024-07-182015978-3-319-27036-4978-3-319-27035-70302-9743https://hdl.handle.net/11411/89638th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS) -- NOV 30-DEC 04, 2015 -- Aalborg Univ, Dept Architecture, Design & Media Technol, Copenhagen, DENMARKInteractive Digital Narrative (IDN) is an interdisciplinary field in which long established perspectives (literature studies, narratology, oral storytelling practices) and newer views (computer science, communication and digital media studies, artificial intelligence) intersect. This variety of traditions creates difficulties for the exchange between researchers originating in different fields. A richer shared vocabulary would provide great benefits for the field. However, it is crucial for new vocabulary to be widely accepted. Consequently, we propose a community effort to develop an IDN ontology, inspired by similar efforts in game ontology [1, 2]eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessNarrative OntologiesInteractive Digital NarrativeInteractive Digital StorytellingNarrative AnalysisNarrative CategoriesThe Ontology Project for Interactive Digital NarrativeConference Object3993979445N/AWOS:000369719400045