Kilgour, D. MarcBrams, Steven J.Sanver, M. Remzi2024-07-182024-07-182006978-3-540-35605-91614-0311 Workshop on Mathematics and Democracy -- SEP 18-23, 2005 -- Erice, ITALYApproval balloting is applied to the problem of electing a representative committee. We demonstrate several procedures for determining a committee based on approval ballots, paying particular attention to weighting methods that can reduce the influence of voters with extreme views. We show that a general class of voting systems based on approval ballots can be implemented through analysis of appropriate tables. A by-product of this procedure is a clarification of the complexity of these systems.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessApproval BallotingCommittee ElectionComplexityHow to Elect a Representative Committee Using Approval BallotingConference Object10.1007/3-540-35605-3_69583N/AWOS:000271012000006