Orhun, Murat2024-07-182024-07-1820182147-2610https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/yayin/detay/318614https://hdl.handle.net/11411/5893With developing Internet technology, it becomes important tasks to write and editdocuments through the Internet supported tools. In such tasks, spell checking, auto completingwords after some syllables, machine translation of words from one language to another, contentsummarizing and analyzing according to words and sentence structure in a file, are consideredpopular and important topics. With improving social communication technology and devices,analyzing continuously produced documents and translation between different languages arebecoming more important day after day. It is difficult to handle such task with manually withoutany error and with high speed. Because of these reasons, computer supported researchlanguages come into prominence and a new filed, which is computational linguistic, formed inscience. Turkish is one of the most computational researched language in Turkic languagefamily and a lot of projects have been done. For other Turkic languages, computationalresearches are still at the beginning stage. This paper describes some main properties of theTurkic languages and summarize machine translations and natural language researches thathave been done so far. A unique tagging system for Turkic word is suggested to implement amachine translations system between all Turkic languages, even between other Altaiclanguages. The usability of the unique tags is explained with examples.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessA SURVEY ABOUT MACHINE TRANSLATION OF TURKIC LANGUAGESArticle648156323186146