Koksal, M.Y.Cakar, T.Tuna, E.Girisken, Y.2024-07-182024-07-1820229781665450928https://doi.org/10.1109/SIU55565.2022.9864887https://hdl.handle.net/11411/643430th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2022 -- 15 May 2022 through 18 May 2022 -- -- 182415The fMRI method, which is generally used to detect behavioral patterns, draws attention with its expensive and impractical features. On the other hand, near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) method is less expensive and portable, but it is as effective as fMRI in creating a good prediction model. With this method, a model has been developed that can predict whether people like a stimulus or not, using machine learning various algorithms. A comparison was made between feature extraction methods, which was the main focus while developing the model. © 2022 IEEE.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDecision-MakingFeature ExtractionFnırsMachine LearningOptical Brain İmagingBehavioral ResearchBrain MappingExtractionFeature ExtractionInfrared DevicesLearning SystemsNear İnfrared SpectroscopyBehavioral PatternsDecisions MakingsFeature Extraction MethodsFeatures ExtractionFnırsMachine-LearningOptical Brain İmagingPrediction ModellingDecision MakingLiking Prediction Using fNIRS and Machine Learning: Comparison of Feature Extraction MethodsfNIRS ve Makine Ö?renmesi ile Be?eni Tahmini: Öznitelik Indirgeme Yöntemlerinin KarşilaştirilmasiConference Object2-s2.0-8513870642610.1109/SIU55565.2022.9864887N/A