Simsek, S.2024-07-182024-07-1820211824-8039 International Conference on B-Physics at Frontier Machines, BEAUTY 2020 -- 21 September 2020 through 24 September 2020 -- -- 173411Recent measurement of the time-dependent CP violating weak phase in B0s ? J/?? decay using proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to integrated luminosity of 80.0 fb?1 is presented. After combining the results with those from 19.2 fb?1 of 7 TeV and 8 TeV data, the value of CP-violating phase is ?s = -0.087 ± 0.036 (stat.) ± 0.021 (syst.) rad. © 2021 Sissa Medialab Srl. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessHigh Energy PhysicsA-CenterAtlas DetectorsCenter-Of-Mass EnergiesCentre-Of-Mass EnergiesCp ViolationsIntegrated LuminosityMeasurements OfProton Proton CollisionsTime DependentTellurium CompoundsCP violation in Bs ? J/??: Update from ATLASConference Object2-s2.0-85118935938N/A391