MA in Marketing
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Öğe The effect of mindfulness level on consumer's smartphone addiction and screen time(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2023) Torun, Nazlı; Yenicioğlu, Mehmet Baskın[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Factors that affect customers' continuance intention to use online shopping apps during the covid-19 pandemic(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Khosoor, Behdad; Arıkan, EsraABSTRACT: In 2019, the whole world was affected by an unknown disease that spread the world with undisclosed fears and unknown feelings. Not so long after the spread of the Nobel Corona Virus, COVID-19 created a new reality in every dimension of people’s daily lives. Digital technologies like online shopping applications became one of the main strategies for coping with the fear generated by COVID-19 and a solution for consumers to resolve their daily needs. This research is trying to identify the factors that affect the continuance intention of online shopping application users under the circumstances of COVID-19 using the UTAUT2 and Task-Technology Fit models. Behavioral intentions of online shopping applications were analyzed using the responses from 304 respondents (303 valid responds) from the ages of 18 to 55. The quantitative results show that perceived severity in case of COVID-19, performance expectancy, trust, perceived task-technology fit, perceived benefits (price-saving and time-saving benefits), and satisfaction have significant effects on users’ continuance intention, while social influence and effort expectancy’s effect on continuance intention was not supported. Also, the effects of different variables on customer satisfaction, as one of the most important factors on continuance intention, has been measured and the results show that perceived task-technology fit, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, trust and social influence has significant positive effects on customer satisfaction.Öğe The relationship between green marketing mix and purchasing ıntention of reusable shopping bags(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Dehghanzad, Mahmoud; Atakan, SerapABSTRACT: Awareness about environmental issues makes people change their mind about their lifestyle and they want to have green attitudes in their daily life. Therefore, nowadays people prefer to have lower impact on environment in comparison to some years ago. Moreover, companies and organizations are witnessing about changing the consumers’ purchasing intention of green products. This study aims to find the relationship between green marketing mix strategy and purchasing intention on green satisfaction, and green loyalty of consumers that use reusable shopping bag as a green product. The analysis of the data collected from 319 respondents reveals that there is significant difference between male and female consumers in green satisfaction. There is also significant difference between consumers educational level and purchasing intention and green loyalty of reusable shopping bags. By comparing the means, it is seen that higher educational level can bring more purchasing intention and loyalty for reusable shopping bags.Öğe The effect of the pandemic on restaurants and social marketing strategies for it(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Karabağlı, Eren; Durmuş, BerilABSTRACT: The coronavirus disease, which first appeared in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, turned into an epidemic with its spread to other countries. With the increase in the number of cases, many countries have tried to keep the epidemic under control by taking various measures. Along with the pandemic, the concept of digitalization has gained a special importance. People have started to do most of the things they used to do digitally due to the pandemic. With the onset of the pandemic, people who had to live a different life from their old lives are trying to get used to this situation. This situation, which is called the new normal, also applies to businesses. The changing life due to the pandemic has brought with it the necessity of change in all areas. During and after the pandemic, many things are and will be different from before the pandemic. In this direction, businesses also need to make changes at many points due to the pandemic, considering their own situation and future. Covid19 has had an impact on all industries. Within the scope of this thesis, the focus is on the restaurant sector, and how they are affected by the pandemic and what social marketing strategies they apply are investigated. First of all, the intricacies of social marketing were defined, and suggestions were compiled on how to deal with this crisis worldwide and what more could be done. According to research, many businesses have accelerated their digitalization steps and social responsibility efforts with the onset of the pandemic. It is seen that businesses that digitalize and implement social marketing strategies, especially in an environment where marketing activities are significantly affected, gain competitive advantage.Öğe Kişiselleştirme – mahremiyet paradoksunun tüketicinin çevrimiçi memnuniyetine etkisinin mobil platform kullanımı özelinde incelenmesi(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Çağlar, Cansu; Varnalı, KaanÖZET: Günümüzde kişiselleştirme uygulamaları, yükselen trend olarak tüm servis sağlayıcıların ve kullanıcıların ilgisini çekmeyi başarmıştır. Çevrimiçi dünyada kişiselleştirilmiş servislerin sunulması, tüketicilerin kişisel verilerini ve çevrimiçi deneyimlerini izinli ya da izinsiz toplanarak oluşturulması ile sağlanmaktadır. Her yıl çevrimiçi etkileşimin ve e-ticaretin katlanarak büyümeye devam ettiği gerçeği de tüketicilerdeki mahremiyet endişesi gitgide arttırmaktadır. Servis sağlayıcıların tüketicilere daha fazla kişiselleştirilmiş teklifler sunarak kendi çıkarları için kişisel verileri kullanması endişesi gün geçtikçe artmakta bu da sonucunda Kişiselleştirme – Mahremiyet paradoksunu oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle akıllı telefonların ortaya çıkışı ile e-ticaret dünyasında mobil cihazların kullanımının artması, kişisel bilgisayar ve tabletlere oranla kullanıcılarda çok daha büyük endişe uyandırmaktadır. Mobil cihazların günümüzde birçok kullanıcıya yakından bağlı olması ve tüketicinin her türlü bilgisini içermesi nedeniyle, mobil uygulamalar aracılığı ile tüketicilerin bilgilerini rahatlıkla toplayabileceği gerçeği Kişiselleştirme-Mahremiyet paradoksunun mobil platformlar üzerinde çok daha belirgin bir şekilde ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Bu araştırmada; kişisel verilerin gizliliği, toplanması ve kullanılması konusunda bilgi seviyesinin müşteri e-memnuniyeti üzerinde etkileri araştırılacak olup, bu verilerin kullanılması ile oluşturulan kişiselleştirilmiş servislerin ve hizmetlerin mobil platform kullanımı sırasında tüketicilerde yarattığı risk ve değer algısı ölçümlenecektir. Kişisel verilerin kullanılması ve toplanması konusundaki bilgi seviyesinin, hizmetlerin kullanımı sırasında algılanan risk ve değer aracılık etkisi ile e-memnuniyet üzerindeki etkileri tespit edilecektir.Öğe Podcast reklamcılığının etkinliği ve podcast reklamcılığına yönelik tüketici algısı(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Gök, Begüm; Gegez, Emine EserÖZET: İçinde bulunduğumuz dijital çağda insanların medyayı kullanma biçimleri hızla değişmektedir. Yeni teknolojiler, markaların dijital medya platformları aracılığıyla tüketicilerle iletişim ve etkileşim kurma şeklini önemli ölçüde değiştirmiştir. Bugün birçok dijital platformda içerik olarak video formatına ağırlık veriliyor gibi gözükse de bir süredir sesli içerik endüstrisinde de göz ardı edilemeyecek bir hareketlilik yaşanmaktadır. Sesli içerik endüstrisinin önemli bir bölümünü oluşturan podcastler ise reklam verenler için hedef kitlelerine ulaşmanın etkili bir yolu olarak günden güne popülerlik kazanmaktadır. Bu popülerliğin en önemli sebeplerinden biri, podcast içeriklerinin bir hedef kitleye ulaştırılabilen niş içerikler olmasıdır. İçerik pazarlaması kapsamında; niş içeriklerin, tüketicilerin marka mesajını daha iyi anlamalarına olanak sağladığı bilinmektedir. Dolayısıyla, iletilen marka mesajının kitle üzerinde daha büyük bir etkiye sahip olduğu çıkarımı yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, pazarlama için günden güne önemi artan podcast mecrasında yer alan reklamların yönlendiriciliği, podcast reklamcılığına yönelik tüketici algısı ve tüketici etkileşimi kişisel, nedensel ve durumsal boyutlarla araştırılmıştır. Araştırma yöntemi olarak literatür taraması ve yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşme yöntemine başvurulmuştur. Podcast yayınları dinleyen 10 kişi ile yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir.Öğe Influencer Marketing as a digital marketing strategy: the effect of macro and micro influencers on purchase intention(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Türkmen, Taner; Durmuş, BerilABSTRACT: Integration of marketing and technology provided an opportunity for the emergence of new concepts. Influencer marketing has recently become one of these new concepts. In order to promote their products and services, businesses are increasingly partnering with social media influencers. Although there are many studies about influencer marketing, there is a lack of knowledge about different influencer types’ effects on customers. Furthermore, studies about micro influencers, one of the influencer types, are very scarce and their theoretical base is comparatively underdeveloped. Therefore, this study aims to measure the effect of “micro and macro influencers” on parasocial relationship and source credibility to better understand their effects on purchase intention. Furthermore, Research aims to make assumptions according to the collected results about how the macro and micro influencers are perceived by the followers and which type of influencer is more effective in creating purchase intention. As a Questionnaire method, an online survey was conducted to collect data from different participants. A total of 262 data were obtained as a result of the questionnaire implementation. SPSS program was used to analyze the obtained data. Factor and regression analysis was implemented to data to evaluate the effectiveness of micro and macro influencers. Results are explained in the conclusion part of the study.Öğe Social media marketing activities’ İmpact on political participation: an analysis of Istanbulites’ political participation in the 2019 local election(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Günay, Burcu; Arıkan, EsraABSTRACT: Throughout the world, the contribution of political marketing in helping politicians achieve the results they want in elections is widely acknowledged. Not surprisingly, political marketing as it was known in the 20th century has drastically changed due to the developments in the internet and communication technologies. By being one of the most prominent communication platforms, social media has turned into a valuable channel to be employed by politicians to realize their political campaign goals. On the one hand, politicians not only introduce their drafted policies and programs that they will implement once they are elected but also communicate to the electorate through social media. On the other hand, constituents gather information about political campaigns and perform various types of political participation that were not possible before. The harsh nature of zero-sum political game necessitates politicians to keep pace with social media’s ever-growing features that have never ceased to amaze us. As expected, Turkish politicians employ social media tools to affect voters’ behavior at a local or a national election. The two prominent candidates of the 2019 Istanbul Local Election have also integrated social media into their political campaign strategies. In this thesis, how social media marketing activities directly and indirectly through candidate image and political efficacy influence voters’ political participation in the June 2019 Istanbul Local Election was examined. Survey results from 279 respondents show that all social media marketing variables are not directly related to political participation, candidate image, and political efficacy. It is also found out that the relationship was indirectly shaped via candidate image and political efficacy. Even if further research is needed to clarify the relationship, it is believed that the results of the study not only demonstrate the importance of studying social media marketing activities in political marketing but also reveal key aspects to pay attention to while developing political campaigns.Öğe Experiential marketing as a consumption of feelings, fantasies and fun(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Sonuşen, Ozan; Ekici, Neşenur AltıniğneABSTRACT: Considering the high growth numbers in luxury cosmetic sector, the main objective of this study is to comprehend the factors behind Luxury Cosmetics Brand Experience (LCBE) in Turkey. Proposed model not only investigates the factors that constitute LCBE. It also investigates the direct and indirect effects on consumer satisfaction, brand trust, brand personality and loyalty discussed earlier in the brand experience literature. To collect data for the model, survey is conducted among consumers who consider their favorite brand. 202 women using luxury cosmetic brands responded to the survey. The findings showed that LCBE have a direct impact on brand trust, brand personality, satisfaction and loyalty and also have an indirect impact on loyalty as well.Öğe The impact of content, source and follower influences on parasocial relationship with social media influencers and its effect on purchase intention and customer equity(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Karaoğlan, Ece; Arıkan, EsraABSTRACT: With the rise of internet usage, and new applications being developed every day, a new form of celebrity has been emerged called influencers. The main difference between celebrities and influencers is that the influencers have a significant number of followers on one or more social media accounts; rather than being known as celebrities, they become more like key opinion leaders due to their profiles. Therefore, they can promote brands, products or services just like a key opinion leader. Even though there are differences in the number of people the influencers are able to persuade, it is still a significant promotion opportunity for the brands. The aim of this study is to find the scope of the influencers’ effect on their followers in the Turkish market. The proposed model includes content influence, source influence and follower influence to begin with. The content influence examines if the followers find the influencer’s post informative or entertaining. The source influence examines if the influencer is regarded as trustworthy, physically attractive, similar and an expert in his/her area. Follower influence investigates if intrinsic feelings such as loneliness, social anxiety, social self-esteem and empathy make any differences. With all the features of influences, it’s analyzed if there’s a correlation with parasocial relationships formed with the social media influencer and if this parasocial relationship has a positive effect on purchase intention, value equity, relationship equity and brand equity. To be able to assess if these variables were, in fact, in relation to one another, a questionnaire was prepared with thirty-two questions. A total of three hundred twenty-eight responses were gathered. Through several analyses on the responses of the participants, it has been found that entertainment and informative value, trustworthiness, similarity, expertise, empathy and social self-esteem were positively correlated with parasocial relationships. On the other hand, loneliness, attractiveness and social anxiety were not correlated with parasocial relationships and, therefore, not supported. Further, it has been found that parasocial relationships positively affected value equity, brand equity, relationship equity and purchase intention.Öğe The effect of social media analytics as a strategic tool on the marketing management(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Çimen, Dilay Kaymak; Durmuş, BerilABSTRACT: In the modern business landscape of this era, most of the markets have been turned into consumer driven way as a result of social and technological changes. In the light of these changes, understanding what customers want from the company and how they evaluate the company become more crucial to gain competitive advantages for the firms every passing day. This study is grounding on the idea that the data on social media platforms may be a valuable source for understanding customer expectations. Social media is one of the most popular platforms that give the opportunity of sharing their views and opinions to the consumers based on their related experiences. In today's competitive market conditions, the data that is generated in social media needs to be underfollowed more closely than ever before by the companies in order to understand customer expectations. Therefore, collecting, analyzing, and monitoring customer data is becoming more and more substantial to achieving competitive advantages. Paralell to the development of marketing analytics, social media data can be analyzed using various machine learning methods and techniques. By this means, companies would be able to generate customer insight from the analyzed social media data. Sentiment analysis, one of the fields of natural language processing, is the method used in this study to categorize customer opinions regarding products or services. The data that have been used in this study, belongs to Yurtici Kargo, which is one of Turkey's leading cargo brands. Tweets that have been posted with the hashtag "Yurtici Kargo" were retrieved from Twitter within the September, October, and December 2020 period. The analytics platform of this research is Knime and, the model has been built on this platform. The results of this study is showing that the sentiment analysis method which has been applied to the data by using the Knime platform provides high performance in predicting the tone of the customer tweets. The purpose of this research is to develop an analytical model that can be used in the analysis of social media data, to analyze customers' feelings about brands, to facilitate companies’ decision-making regarding their marketing strategies, and to contribute to the marketing literature.Öğe Kargo hizmetlerine ilişkin müşteri şikayetleri: Bir içerik analizi(İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2017) Yanar Gürce, Merve; Tosun, PetekÖzet: Literatürde çok sayıda çalışmaya konu olmuş olan tüketici şikayet davranışı, internetin yaygınlaşması ile birlikte yeni bir boyut kazanmıştır. Tüketicilerin firmalar, ürün ve hizmetler ile ilgili yorumlarını elektronik olarak birbiri ile paylaşması anlamına gelen e-WOM sayesinde tüketiciler, diğer tüketicilerin görüşlerine hızla ve kolayca ulaşabilmekte, kendi şikayetlerini de elektronik olarak paylaşabilmektedir. Internet ile birlikte e-ticaretin yaygınlaşması, kargo sektöründeki rekabeti artırmış, tüketici yorumları ile birlikte hizmet kalitesinin önemini de artırmıştır. Bu kapsamda, e-WOM kaynaklarından biri olan sitesinde kargo hizmeti kategorisindeki şikayetler içerik analizine tabi tutularak şikayet nedenleri incelenmiştir. Analiz için kargo hizmetlerinin seçilmesinin nedeni; farklı kültürler ve farklı sektörlerde, lojistik faaliyetlerin hizmet kalitesinin araştırıldığı çalışmalar bulunurken; kargo hizmetlerine yönelik çalışmaların literatürde nispeten daha az sayıda olmasıdır. Araştırma kapsamında verilerden elde edilen frekans analizleri sonucunda, kargo hizmetlerine ilişkin olarak tüketicilerin en çok şikayet ettiği konular hizmetlerin zamanında söz verildiği gibi gerçekleşmemesi, ürün ve hizmetlerin zamanında müşterilere teslim edilmemesi ve firma çalışanları tarafından iyi hizmet sağlanmaması olarak belirlenmiştirÖğe Understanding the factors effecting impulse purchase decision: an investigation in food market(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Bekler, Yasemin Gülev; Ekici, Neşenur AltıniğneABSTRACT: All the development in technology leads marketers into a dense competition, especially in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. Thus, marketers noticed the importance of understanding the consumer and their buying behaviors. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors impacting impulse purchase decisions. Our proposed model shows the relation between impulse buying intention and impulse purchase decision but also combines the effecting factors which are elements of packaging (color, design, typography), self-control (impulsivity, simple tasks, risk-seeking, physical activities, self-centered, temper) consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence (normative and informational) and impulse buying tendency. More, our model shows their effect on impulse buying intention. For testing the proposed model, we asked participants to answer the survey considering the package that we have designed according to the literature and we asked participants to answer the questionnaire according to the comments they found closest to themselves. Survey data gathered from 308 participants within one month. The findings showed that: impulse purchase intention influences impulse purchase decision strongly. Also, simple-task and typograpy, and the impression have an impact on impulse purchase intention.Öğe Impact of endorser credibility and viewer engagement on intention to purchase: an application on food vloggers(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Alpözü, Yaşar Gökhan; Durmuş, BerilABSTRACT: Digital transformation has reshaped the day-to-day behaviors and habits of the world population. In fact, personal and business interaction tends to move across digital platforms more and more each day. As a result, this has forced the marketing realm to adapt and face a new challenge, to interact with the consumers on a digital platform. A platform where consumers (users/viewers) interact with content generators (source/endorser). With the significant development in technology and infrastructure, this new digital platform built on the foundations of the world wide web (Tim Berners Lee, 1989) has continuously evolved through the years. Today, the new media, is the “Social Media” and is highly diversified with 4.6 billion active users globally. These users are both consumers and content generators. Within the context of this transformation, consumers are empowered and are active contributors of the marketing mix. They are at the center of this new media as content generators and source of information. They create awareness for needs, supply options, information and drive the intention to purchase. They even influence the post purchase perceptions with setting the threshold of satisfaction. Credible sources of information become opinion leaders and shape the perceived quality of goods and services. This offers opportunities for marketers to create brand loyalty and customer retention as well as threats to lose customers never to return. Brand affiliations with such opinion leaders have created a new form of marketing: Endorsements (Katrina, 2016). Endorsers (content generators) are significant source of information for consumers. The dimensions of the source attribution have been subject to many studies. The most referred model is The Source Credibility Model (Hovland et al., 1953; Ohanian, 1991), Source Attractiveness Model (McGuire, 1985) and Meaning Transfer Model (McCraken, 1989). These researches have shown us the dimensions of the source that effect the consumers’ intention to purchase. Moreover, from the users/consumers aspect, there are different models suggesting types of dimensions that drive the users/consumers to reach out to the source content that have impact on intention to purchase. Within the scope of this research, both the user end and the endorser end has been explored and analyzed to identify the power and impact of these dimensions on purchase intention.Öğe Exploring the effects of social media influencers to brand engagement and purchase intention: The role of consumers’ parasocial relationship and desire to mimic(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) İldem, Sena; Arıkan, EsraABSTRACT: Over the last few years, the usage of social media and the number of social media influencers have risen significantly. Thus, the primary aim of this study is to determine the influence of social media influencers on purchase intention and customer engagement. The proposed model includes 11 different features of social media influencers which are prestige, inspiration, visual aesthetic, physical attractiveness from ideality; enjoyability, entertainment value, similarity from relatedness; interaction, informative value, expertise and trustworthiness from competence. This model analyzes the impact of all characteristics of social media influencers on leadership and parasocial relationship and examines the direct effects of leadership to desire to mimic and purchase intention. It also investigates the effect of parasocial relationship and the desire to mimic on customer engagement and purchase intention. Additionally, the direct influence of customer engagement to purchase intention is analyzed in the model. Respondents are asked to answer the questions on a questionnaire based on their favorite social media influencer. The survey data is gathered from a sample of three hundred eighty-nine followers of social media influencers. The results show that inspiration and physical attractiveness from ideality, similarity and entertainment value from relatedness, informative value, experience and trustworthiness from competence has an influence on both leadership and parasocial relationship. Additionally, prestige from ideality and enjoyability from relatedness, interaction from competence has an impact on the parasocial relationship. Additionally, leadership has an impact on the desire to mimic and purchase intention. Furthermore, the relationships between parasocial relationship, purchase intention and customer engagement are supported.Öğe The motives that drive people to watch esports(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Durmaz, Sema; Atakan, Mukaddes Gül SerapABSTRACT: This study aims to figure out the motives that are effective on esports viewership. By doing this the factors that scheme out the behavior of esports viewers are covered. Literary context with various perspectives and terms to esports are figured out. The motives as well as factors are evaluated by applying Theory Of Reasoned Action to the study. The defined motives recently performed in Motivation Scale Of Esports Spectatorship (MSES) are added into the model to form a concrete and measured quantitative basis for the thesis. Throughout the given model the relationship between the defined motives and attitude and their effects on forming behavioral intention are examined. Thus, the motives taken from MSES are multiplied to output the realized considerations as strength of behavioral beliefs and evaluated outcomes of the verified motives. Moreover, strength of normative beliefs and motivation to comply them in relation with subjective norms and subjective norms to effect attitude and to form behavioral intention are also questioned under the sense of given hypotheses. Conclusion and recommendations are given as part of the outcomes of what is assured within the analysis part.Öğe Examining the antecedents and the consequences of fear of missing out(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Ayav, İpek; Arıkan, EsraABSTRACT: Fear of Missing Out is a phenomenon that have been gaining significance in literature in recent years. The constant exposure of goods and services on social media platforms, tv and the social environment is putting intense pressure on individuals to always be up to date and connected. If the individuals feel like they are not connected, they experience an uneasy feeling that they are missing out. This research aims to understand the extend of experiencing FOMO based on the 5 factor personality traits and basic psychological needs theories; and examine the effect of FOMO on conspicuous consumption through conformity behavior. The results of the quantitative survey (n=434) show that all three basic psychological needs and the extraversion dimension of 5 factor personality has an effect of FOMO, and the presence of FOMO results in conformity behavior. The results of the research and analysis was not able to identify a significant link between conformity and conspicuous consumption, further research needed on this relationship. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.Öğe The reasons behind individuals' E-sports engagement and purchases of virtual goods(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Hüseyinzade, Hüseyin; Durmuş, BerilABSTRACT: Having a yearly growth of 30%, E-sports has received a significant amount of attention in the recent years. Many scholars have tried to analyze different aspects of E-sports in their academic works. E-sports is a multi-layered industry which should be evaluated, examined, and analyzed from different perspectives. Taking the mentioned complexities of E-sports, this study aims to look at E-sports from two perspectives, firstly the study aims to investigate why do individuals get engaged with E-sports and secondly why do individuals purchase virtual goods associated with games. An extensive conceptual model targeting both aspects composed of: Enjoyment, Norms (Social, Subjective), Professional Advancement, Learning about Game Strategies, Trust (Cognitive, Affective), Social Integrative, Tension Release (Escape, Distraction, Relaxation), Perceived Value (Functional, Emotional, Social), and, Continuous Use has been proposed to examine the Intention to Play and Purchase Intention. To reach the goals of the study, a sample of (N=135) E-sports athletes were surveyed through an online questionnaire. In the online questionnaire the respondents were asked about how frequently they engage with E-sports, their most played games, their view, cognitive and emotional, upon gaming and gaming communities that they belong to. The finding in this study illustrates that Intention to Play, is heavily impacted by Learning about Game Strategies. Gratifying the needs of players for seeking new knowledge is a pivotal point for the individuals to get more engaged with the games. Shared Emotional Connection along with Enjoyment had the highest effects after Learning about Game Strategies. It not only shows that E-sports is a pleasure-oriented industry but also an activity performed as community that requires social participation.Öğe The effect of brand experience and brand personality on consumer-brand relationships and impulsive buying behavior(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Bayraktar, Ecem; Arıkan, EsraABSTRACT: The impulsive buying behavior of consumers is one of the widely studied concepts in the literature. However, very few studies have focused on how brand experience and brand personality are separately related to impulsive buying behavior and the relationship of the customers with the brand, including their satisfaction, loyalty, and trust. The primary objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between brand experience, brand personality, and customer satisfaction, loyalty and trust, while also focusing on how these factors turn into action by leading to impulsive buying behavior. In the scope of the present study, a total of 357 usable responses were collected via an online survey. Both sensory/affective and intellectual brand experience significantly affect the responsibility/active/aggressiveness brand personality dimension. Similarly, both sensory/affective and intellectual brand experience were found to have a significant effect on emotionality brand personality dimension. It is found out that both responsibility/active/aggressiveness and emotionality brand personality dimensions are significantly related to impulsive buying behavior. The two brand experience dimensions are found to be significantly related to satisfaction, trust and loyalty. Meanwhile, of the brand personality dimensions, only the emotionality dimension (but not responsibility/active/aggressiveness brand personality dimension) affects loyalty (but not satisfaction or trust).Öğe Factors affecting customers' purchase intention in e-commerce platforms on Black Friday(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Okur, Cansu; Arıkan, EsraABSTRACT: The primary purpose of this study is to determine the key factors affecting purchase intention in e-commerce on Black Friday. The main factors are proposed to be trust, system quality, information quality, service quality and use. Visual appearance, response time, 24-hour- availability and usability are proposed to be subfactors of system quality. Tracking order status, account maintenance, competence and personalization are proposed to be subfactor of service quality. Finally, information and transaction are proposed to be subfactor of use. In order to test the proposed model, participants are asked to answer a survey according to their most frequently used e-commerce website. The survey data is collected from two hundred fifty-five e-commerce website customers. As a result, it was concluded that trust, visual appearance, 24-hour availability and usability have a positive effect on purchase intention.