MA in Cultural Studies

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  • Öğe
    The connection between Virginia Woolf and Clarissa Dalloway: a review in the context of gender melancholia
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2023) Ceylan, Lila; Keskin, Ferda
    ABSTRACT: Melancholy has always been a controversial mental situation, and different explanations and definitions have been put forward about it. However, Freud’s emphasis on what is lost and what that loss causes in individuals in melancholia and how Butler built upon it with her gender melancholy theory opens up a new dimension for understanding the roots and the causes of melancholia. This thesis's primary focus is to explain how Virginia Woolf could have experienced gender melancholy by taking Sigmund Freud's and Judith Butler's melancholia theories. By exploring Virginia Woolf's diaries, essays, and Clarissa Dalloway's expressions in her semi-autobiographical novel Mrs. Dalloway, this study will critically analyse how gender melancholy and Woolf's reflections are parallel. In other words, it will identify and detailly analyse how Freud's melancholia theory and Butler’s gender melancholia theory match what Woolf conveyed through her diaries and essays alongside Clarissa Dalloway as the character in which Woolf mirrored her inner self and own experiences.
  • Öğe
    Lacan"ın büyük öteki kavramı ve paternalist liderler
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2023) Arvas, Vildan Merve; Yumul, Arus
    ÖZET: Bu çalışma toplumda paternalist (babacan) liderlere gösterilen teveccühün arkasında yatan nedenleri Lacan’ın Öteki kavramı üzerinden analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Lacancı psikanalizde varlığından, tutarlılığından, tamlığından emin olduğumuz, varoluşsal mesnet olarak addettiğimiz Öteki’nin, tarih boyunca kültür, din, kilise, devlet, bilim gibi farklı kurumlar ya da olgularla temsil edildiği öne sürülür. İçinde bulunduğumuz bu çağda bahsedilen kurumlara atfedilen anlamın değişmesi, bilgiye kolay ulaşımın verdiği avantajla bilimsel olanın birbiriyle çelişen yorumlarına maruz kalmak, aile kavramının değişmesi, kimliklerin buharlaşması, insanın sınırsız seçeneklerle bezenmiş dünyada sürekli olarak seçim yapmak zorunda kalması vb. faktörler psikanalitik açıdan kaygı verici olarak nitelenebilir mi? Günümüz insanının hayatı deneyimleme biçimi önceki yüzyıllarda hiç olmadığı kadar kendini inşa etmek üzerine kurulu. Kendinden, hayatından, sağlığından sürekli olarak mesul olmak ve maruz kaldığı bilgi bombardımanından kendisi için en iyi olanı çekip alarak olabilecek en makul kararı almak zorunda olmak kişinin siyasette paternalist liderlere meyletmesine sebep olabilir mi? Siyasi liderlerle seçmenleri arasında kurulan ebeveyn çocuk ilişkisinin altında yatan nedenlerden biri Öteki’nin giderek silikleşen gölgesidir diyebilir miyiz? Bu çalışma bu sorulara yanıt arayacaktır.
  • Öğe
    The approaches of the left in Turkey on the Armenian question between the years of 1961 and 1972
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2023) Pontioğlu, Aram; Bilmez, Bülent
    ABSTRACT: This thesis is about the approaches of the left in Turkey on the Armenian question between the years of 1961 and 1972. The Armenian question is the question between Turkey and the Armenians who define the adverse events which they lived in 1915 in the Ottoman Empire as a genocide. Turkey rejects the claim of genocide about these events. In this thesis, I analyze the approaches of the left in Turkey, the socialist parties and factions in Turkey between 1961 and 1972, on the events that the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire lived in 1915. For this thesis, I researched primarily the left magazines published in Turkey between the years of 1961 and 1972. I benefited also from the memory books about this period. I began to research from the magazine Yön that began to be published in 1961 and the Workers’ Party of Turkey (TİP) founded in same year. I continued with the factions of TİP and their magazines. Finally, I researched the views of the armed organizations which were originated from the Revolutionary Youth Federation of Turkey (Dev-Genç) from their defences in the courts and the articles of their leaders. From these sources, I found what then left in Turkey said about the events that the Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 and analyzed their discourses. As a result, I observed that until TKP/ML which founded in 1972, there is no organization recognized the Armenian massacre and claimed that a genocide happened in Turkey and Turkish nationalism has a dominance in the left of Turkey.
  • Öğe
    1974 Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı'nda 50'nci piyade alayı: Kıbrıs gazileri ile sözlü tarih araştırması
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Yıldız, Afife; Aktar, Ayhan
    ÖZET: Rum Kuvvetleri tarafından Yunan ordusunun da desteğiyle, Yunanistan’ın Kıbrıs’ı ilhak amacıyla 15 Temmuz 1974 tarihinde başkent Lefkoşa'da gerçekleştirilen askeri darbenin neticesinde iktidardaki Başpiskopos Makarios hükümeti devrilmiş, Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti Anayasası fiilen ortadan kaldırılmıştır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, hem Ada’daki Türk toplumunun varlığını ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik bu müdahaleye hem de Kıbrıs'ın Akdeniz’de Türkiye’nin güvenliğini tehdit edecek doğal bir Yunan üssü haline getirilmesi ihtimaline karşı tepkisiz kalmamıştır. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri 20 Temmuz 1974 tarihinde, Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı’nı düzenlemiş ve Ada’daki bu duruma müdahale etmiştir. Kıbrıs Barış Harekâtı’nın tarihçesi, üzerinden 48 yıl geçmesine rağmen, hala yazılamamıştır. 20 Temmuz 1974 günü Ada’ya Deniz Amfibi Piyade birliklerinin hemen ardından çıkan ve bu çalışmanın esas konusunu oluşturan 50’nci Piyade Alayı’nın harekâttaki faaliyetlerine ilişkin şu ana kadar akademik bir araştırma yapılmamıştır. Harekâtın en önemli tanıkları olan Kıbrıs Gazilerinin anıları ise şu ana kadar resmi makamlarca kayda alınmamıştır. Harekâta katılan farklı birliklerden bazı gaziler anılarını yayınlama fırsatı bulmuşlardır. Gazilerin anılarının kayda alınmasının ve yayınlanmasının, farklı birliklerin harekâttaki rolünün anlaşılabilmesi ve harekâtın genel değerlendirmesinin yapılabilmesi açısından önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu sözlü tarih çalışması kapsamında, 50’nci Piyade Alayı’nın harekâttaki rolünü, çıkarma harekâtını ve harekâtın ilk üç gününü değerlendirebilmek amacına yönelik olarak, 50’nci Piyade Alayı’nın farklı bölüklerinde görev almış Kıbrıs Gazileri ile derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Görüşmelerin yanı sıra, harekât esnasında askerler tarafından tutulmuş günlüklerden ve diğer yayınlardan faydalanılarak 50’nci Piyade Alayı’nın harekâttaki faaliyetleri değerlendirilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    The gender of academia: the invisible gender discrimination in the production of knowledge in Turkey
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Asal Başak, Ebru; Yazıcı, Çiğdem
    ABSTRACT: This study seeks to examine the gender-related discrimination and oppression women face in the academic institutions in Turkey. The number of women academics has increased recently, yet this research aims at understanding if this high number equals to a gender-neutral environment in higher education institutions and if women can work peacefully and become a part of the production of knowledge without any kind of oppression. To move beyond the statistical data and to hear women’s side of the truth, this research consists of in-depth interviews with 22 women academics actively working in academic institutions in Turkey in different titles, departments, and universities. The higher education institutions will be analyzed using Joan Acker’s Theory of Gendered Organizations and Patricia H. Collins’s concept of Matrix of Domination; and the narratives of the women academics will be interpreted in the light of Nancy C. M. Hartsock’s Feminist Standpoint Theory. Women’s accounts are the focal point of this research, and they reveal that academic institutions are not gender-neutral and there are many steps to take in order to liberate women from the patriarchal oppression.
  • Öğe
    İstanbul’a göç etmiş Kürtlerin lisede eğitim gören çocuklarında kimlik oluşum süreçleri
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Vural, Uğur; Bilmez, Bülent
    ÖZET: Türkiye’de kırsal mekânların çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı terk edilmesiyle birlikte, 1950 yılında başlayıp ülkedeki siyasi durumun etkisiyle 1990 sonrası artış gösteren göçler, şehirlerde yeni bir kültürün ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Bundan dolayı bu çalışmada, İstanbul’a göç etmiş veya etmek zorunda bırakılmış Kürt ailelerin, İstanbul’da ortaöğretim kurumlarına devam eden çocuklarında kimlik oluşum süreçlerini etkileyen değişkenler inceleme konusu edilmiştir. İstanbul’daki ortaöğretim kurumları, farklı etnik kimliklerin zorunlu karşılaşma alanları olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı; ortaöğretim kurumlarına devam eden Kürt öğrencilerin karşılaşma deneyimlerini nasıl algıladıklarını incelemektir. Nitel yöntemin kullanıldığı araştırmanın çalışma evreni olarak İstanbul ili Beyoğlu ilçesi Hacıahmet Mahallesi seçilmiştir. Görüşmeye katılan öğrencilere önceden hazırlanmış sorular yöneltilerek öğrencilerin verdikleri yanıtlar benzerliklerine göre sınıflandırılmış, farklı değişkenler göz önünde bulundurularak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular incelendiğinde, göç mekânlarında yaşayan ve farklı etnik kimliklerle aynı ortaöğretim kurumlarına devam eden öğrencilerin kimlik oluşumlarını etkileyen değişkenlerin birbirleri ile benzer oldukları, Kürt kimliğinin kentte yeniden oluşumunu belirleyen süreçlerin tahakküm mekanizmaları çerçevesinde şekillendiği söylenebilmektedir. Kürt öğrencilerin kimlik oluşum süreçlerinde arkadaş grupları, öğretmenleri, sosyal medya ve okulun büyük bir öneme sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca verilen cevaplar incelendiğinde, kimlik oluşum süreçlerinde Kürt olmayan öğretmen ve öğrencilerin, etnik kimliklerine dair fikirlerinin Kürt öğrencilerin kendi kimliklerini algılama biçimlerine etki ettiği görülmüştür.
  • Öğe
    The representation of female characters in Turkish tv series in the 2010s: how Neo-Ottomanism changed the depiction of women?
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Görk, Ekin Deniz; Kesirli Unur, Ayşegül
    ABSTRACT : During the early years of the republic, Turkish state tried to cut off its ties with Ottoman past, but it couldn't succeeded. Instead, Ottoman nostalgia grew within the public and started to show its effects on the cultural and daily products, beginning from the late 1970s. This nostalgia later named as neo-Ottomanism and re-defined with almost every other administration, since each of them approaches to the Ottoman past differently. When 2002 staged to the victory of AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi - Justice and Development Party), a political Islamist right wing party, the official attitude against to Ottoman Empire started to change once again. By the date of this study completed––2022––, the party is close to celebrate its 20th anniversary in power. After the six election victories in a row within the twenty years, AKP has managed to built its own era in both the political and cultural history of The Republic of Turkey. As being one of the powerful emotional motive of the period, neo-Ottomanism effected television contents along with many other cultural mediums. Therefore Ottoman-themed television series became a sub-genre in Turkish television dramas, and the decade of 2010s, staged big number of Ottoman-themed television series. This dissertation visually analyzes television series which are based on this Ottoman nostalgia. It uses textual analysis on the three television dramas from the decade of 2010s, Muhteşem Yüzyıl (2011-2014), Muhteşem Yüzyıl: Kösem (2015-2017), Payitaht Abdülhamid (2017-2021), and examines the depiction of women in realms of these series. By using the genre theory, it claims the depiction of women in those series which are created with the neo-Ottomanist nostalgia, changed from using the orientalist iconography to using a new iconography within this decade.
  • Öğe
    Experiences of young people about sexuality, sexual health, and reproductive health: the case of METU
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Özkor, Deniz; Karababa Demircan, Pınar
    ABSTRACT: The subject of this thesis is the experiences of young people between the ages of 18 and 25 regarding sexuality, sexual health, and reproductive health through the case of Middle East Technical University (METU). I analyzed the experiences of young people in the fields of sexuality, sexual health, and reproductive health through the experience of METU students. I conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with 30 people from various departments, gender identities, and sexual orientations to investigate the experiences of young people as subjects. I conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with a total of 18 students and graduates who participated in actions on gender equality, are/were in student societies working on gender, and are/were a student in Gender and Women’s Studies Master Program to understand how METU as a venue interacts with the experiences in this field. There is an interaction between gender and experiences about sexuality, sexual health, and reproductive health experiences. The patriarchal and binary gender systems dominate individuals’ bodies and sexuality. Thus, sexuality is political. Government policies, health policies, and social perception affect experiences in this field. Space affects each other with these experiences. This study claims that the patriarchal, binary, and heteronormative system restricts the sexual experience of women and LGBTIQA+s (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Intersex, Queer, Asexual +) and makes sexuality unequal. Since pleasure from sexuality is not perceived as a right, young people face discrimination and difficulties regarding their sexual experiences. This research re-emphasized the necessity of supporting young people’s access to information and services in this field without discrimination and providing an inclusive service.
  • Öğe
    Exploring translation strategies in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Aktürk, Merve; Erhart, Itır
    ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to explore the translation approaches used in the Turkish localization of the video game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including the two official expansions, (Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine) Existing translation techniques used within the scope of the video game localization will be investigated to highlight the translation approaches and problems while transferring the distinctive traits of fantasy literature including but not limited to the denotations of fantastic and mythical creatures, titles, weapons, location names, alchemy materials or culinary elements in the video game. In-game texts from English to Turkish subtitles will be the main source of focus. Theoretical aspects of the thesis will be analyzing the multi-layers of localization, conceptualizing game localization act as a translation phenomenon, and examining translation from source-oriented or target-oriented approaches of Skopos Theory in the game translation.
  • Öğe
    Fyodor Mihayloviç Dostoyevski ve Oğuz Atay metinlerinde bir imkansızlık deneyimi: kendilik arayışı
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Öztürk, Meryem İlayda; Belge, Murat
    ÖZET: Bu çalışmada, Fyodor Dostoyevski’nin Öteki ve Yeraltından Notlar ile Oğuz Atay’ın Tutunamayanlar ve Tehlikeli Oyunlar isimli eserlerine odaklanılarak; ilk bölümde, gecikmiş modernleşmenin tarihsel bağlamı genel hatlarıyla incelenecektir. Atay ve Dostoyevski’nin Batılılaşmayı nasıl deneyimledikleri; bu sürecin onların eserlerine, yazarlık deneyimine nasıl yansıdığı ve karakterlerinin ben denilen alanını nasıl şekillendirdiği üzerinde durulurken Harold Bloom’un “etkilenme endişesi” ve Girard’ın üçgen arzu kuramından faydanılacaktır. İkinci bölümde ise, Atay ve Dostoyevski’nin kendi benini aramakla ilgili olan karakterlerinin “ben” derken ne demek istediğinden yola çıkılarak iki yazarın da romanlarında ana motif haline getirdiği kendilik arayışı sorgulanacaktır. Söz konusu eserlerdeki karakterlerin kendilik arayışı; Bakhtin’in çok seslilik ve diyaloji kavramlarından yararlanılarak; “Estetik Etkinlikte Sanat ve Kahraman” ile Dostoyevski Poetikasının Sorunları isimli çalışmalarına odaklanılarak tartışılacaktır.
  • Öğe
    Rap in between glorification and demonizatıon: a critical discourse analysis of internet news coverage of Susamam and Olay
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Atalar, Aslıhan; Kaya, Ayhan
    ABSTRACT: Rap music has gained serious momentum in Turkey. In any case, the ongoing argument is not our primary interest. Debates about rap music concern mainly globalization, the music industry, popular culture, and rap music’s political character. This study highlights two rap songs that exemplify these issues: Susamam (I can’t stay silent) and Olay (Incident), which became popular in Turkey in 2019. However, this thesis mainly analyses how the youth’s unconventional political participation is represented in Turkish internet news through discourses. The study argues that Turkey’s internet news outlet’s representations of the songs reflect perceptions about youth engagement practices in Turkey. However, this thesis mainly analyses how the youth’s unconventional political participation form (which is also criticized as an outdated term) is represented by the Turkish internet news atmosphere through the case study. Through the case study, young people’s besieged position in society informs the mysterious character of their engagement dynamics. The study recenters youth studies from a critical standpoint for seeking to understand this situation. This perspective aids in identifying manipulated media representations. The analysis also emphasizes media outlets’ discourse about youths’ engagement practices, explains Turkey’s media atmosphere and points at entrenched social codes.
  • Öğe
    Smell in contemporary art: an artistic analysis
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Domaniç, Yüksel Dilan; Ada, Serhan
    ABSTRACT: As artists started to challenge the conventional use of gallery space and artistic material choices by creating multisensory experiences, olfactory art became much more popular. Even there were early precursors of olfactory art, recognition of the sense of smell in the art world is recent. Due to its late acceptance, smell is studied limitedly in the context of contemporary art. In this dissertation, I first analyzed conceptual and technical challenges and opportunities smell presents artistically. Then through comprehending smell’s artistic capacity, I analyzed existing contemporary olfactory artworks conceptually. The artworks I chose focus on different topics including body politics, environmental issues, smellscapes, memories, wars and decomposition. The variety of topics, smell can be used manifests the conceptual capacity of smell. Finally, I identified the common characteristics of these different olfactory artworks. What I found is that contemporary olfactory art is most of the time multidisciplinary and collaborative; experimental and scientific; experience based and immersive; political and provocative. My dissertation ended up as a comprehensive study of the olfactory contemporary art and I hope this work to influence further studies and research on olfactory art while inspire contemporary artists to experiment more with the sense smell.
  • Öğe
    Melancholy as a theme in Giorgio de Chirico's early metaphysical paintings (1910-1915)
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Özdemir Eroğlu, Berhan; Talay Turner, Zeynep
    ABSTRACT: In this thesis, I will examine how melancholia, which has been characterized in different ways throughout the ages, was handled as a theme in the pre-1915 metaphysical paintings of Greek-born Italian painter Giorgio de Chirico, in particular, the origins of the iconographic elements he used in the works of this period. I will discuss them within the framework of his personal life history, chronic illnesses, and the effect of two important names who had influenced his art both visually and intellectually, Arnold Böcklin and Friedrich Nietzsche. De Chirico described himself as a melancholic, and we see the huge impact of melancholy on his art. The visual grammar of the artist's metaphysical paintings is quite unique. Thanks to this visual metaphysical language, we can see that he created both melancholic and enigmatic atmosphere in his works. In order to create this atmosphere, he used many iconographic elements. As a result of the examinations, we see that the source of these iconographic elements is sometimes his own personal history, sometimes the influence of Böcklin but mostly Nietzsche. In addition to his admiration and passion for Nietzsche, de Chirico also saw himself as the substitute for him and his bond with Nietzsche accompanied him throughout his life. So we can say that de Chirico's depictions of melancholy have a peerless place in the history of art. However, we should add that it is very difficult to interpret the works of the painter without knowing the factors that constitute the personal history, artistic and philosophical background of the artist.
  • Öğe
    Çiftdilli Kürt ailelerde ebeveynlerin dil seçimi dinamikleri: Mardin örneği
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Kül, Ensar; Bilmez, Bülent
    ÖZET: Dünyada egemen diller ile azınlık grupların dilleri arasında yaratılan bir hiyerarşi vardır. Azınlık grubundaki bireylerin bu hiyerarşiye karşı verdiği tepkiler, çokkültürlülük çalışmaları açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki çiftdilli Kürt ailelerin egemen dile yönelmeleri ile anadiline sahip çıkmalarının altındaki sebeplere bakılacaktır. Anadilinden ödün vermek istemeyen ebeveynler çocuklarını yetiştirirken hangi etkenleri göz önüne alarak dil seçimini yaparlar? Bu araştırmanın genel yaklaşımı bu sorun çerçevesinde olacaktır. Bu bağlamda Mardin'de yaşayan Kürt ailelerin anadili ve egemen dil arasındaki dil seçimi dinamiklerine bakılarak azınlık gruplarındaki ebeveynlerin yapısal ve kurumsal sorunlara karşı verdiği tepkiler ve stratejiler incelenecektir
  • Öğe
    "Now Let Us Shift…" boundary-crossing: the Mestiza and Cyborgs in Wild Seed and Lagoon
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Çetin, Yıldız Hazal; Tekin, İnci Bilgin
    ABSTRACT: Donna Haraway's "cyborg" and Gloria Anzaldua's "mestiza" are critical metaphors for individuals who embody multiple, oscillating, and contradictory social and subject positions. Haraway's and Anzaldua's striking metaphors and ideas become evidenced and effectively transposed in the science-fiction of Octavia Butler and Nnedi Okorafor. This study will explore two intersectional texts, Haraway's Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature: "Situated Knowledges" and "Cyborg Manifesto," and Gloria Anzaldua's Borderlands/ La Frontera and This Bridge We Call Home: Radical Visions for Transformation as the theoretical basis for analysis. It will present a critical analysis of Butler's Wild Seed and Okorafor's Lagoon, scrutinizing the crossings of different identifications of race, gender, and sexuality following borderlands theory. Butler and Okorafor challenge the opposing forms of identity politics in terms of gender, race, and sexuality, authorizing their characters by enacting unique connections of power and authenticity through queer, hybrid, and alien characters who can shapeshift into different forms. This study will identify and outline how Butler's and Okorafor's fiction grasps the potentialities apprehended in Haraway's "cyborg" and Anzaldua's "mestiza."
  • Öğe
    Gender performativity in feminist dystopia: Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's tale
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Özden, Seçil; Yazıcı, Çiğdem
    ABSTRACT: The main theme of this thesis is the performative basis of the gender roles in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. By taking Butler’s theory of performativity in gender debates as the main theory for this thesis, I will examine the critiques against canonical assumptions of feminism, which adopts a modernist idea of universality with essentialist assumptions, ignoring the performative and plural dimensions in gendered situations. By categorizing Butler as a postmodern feminist theorist, I will show how Butler argues against the universalist and essentialist binary concepts such as male and female or man and woman, since these concepts result in exclusion and marginalization of the non-normative identities. Thus, she aims to create a new understanding of feminism and subject, which will consist of excluded individuals with a pluralist perspective. With the theory of performativity, Butler redefines gender as the norm and argues that, rather than representation, we construct social reality. In this thesis, I will apply Butler’s theory to Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale which can be taken as an example for a feminist dystopian fiction, that shows the performative constructions of gender identities.
  • Öğe
    Mehmed Uzun romanlarında Türk imgesi
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Göktaş, Melahat; Parla, Jale
    ÖZET: Edebiyat toplumun aynası olmanın yanı sıra her ulusun ötekine karşın kendi kimliğini yarattığı ve yansıttığı bir alan olmuştur. Kimlik yaratımında önemli olan ötekine karşı biz savı belki de en çok edebi eserlerde ortaya konulmuştur. Bu nedenle edebiyatın her türünde “biz” kimliğine karşı “öteki” imajı yaratılmıştır. Bunlarda yazarın toplumdan doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak etkilenerek ortaya koyduğu imajlardır. Bu bağlamda bu tez Türkiye’de doğmuş, ömrünün uzun bir dönemini diasporada geçirmiş olan Kürt yazar Mehmed Uzun’un romanlarında “öteki” olarak yarattığı Türk imajına odaklanmıştır. Eserlerini Türkiye’de sert siyasi bir havanın hâkim olduğu 1980’ler ve nispeten daha yumuşak siyasi bir havanın egemen olduğu 2000’ler arasında, Kürtçe yazmıştır. Romanları içerik bakımında Osmanlı’nın yıkılış ve Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin kuruluş dönemini kapsamaktadır. Romanların yazıldığı ve anlatının geçtiği dönem, Türkiye siyasi tarihinde iki vurucu noktaya temas etmesi açısında önemlidir. Eserlerde yaratılan egemen öteki Türk imgesi/imajı, imaj çalışmalarındaki şu sorulara cevap verecek niteliktedir: Eserlerdeki imajlar hangi koşullarda yaratılmış ve ne tür ideolojik ve toplumsal sorunlara cevap vermiştir? Dolayısıyla Uzun’un romanlar bahsi geçen kritik tarihsel, sosyal ve siyasal süreçler göz önüne alınarak incelenmiştir.
  • Öğe
    From Ibsen to Behrengi: representation of gender stereotyping and the doll image
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Hacıbakioğlu, Merve; Bilgin Tekin, İnci
    ABSTRACT: T his study focuses on on the “doll” image in relation to the first and second feminist waves as it examines A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen and Ulduz and the Talking Doll by Samed Behrengi in relation to their underlying sociohistorical contexts. It is observed that surrounded by the female body and signifying gender stereotypes, differently, “the doll” image initially implies domesticity of women and later explores the girl in relation to her assigned future roles. Such as in real life, and literary works, the majority of female characters, only have stereotypical and submissive positions in the classical roles of patriarchal society. This study further questions how the third wave feminist wave accommodates the “doll” image. In this respect, the excerpts from Sylvia Plath's poem The Applicant, Women Who Run with the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, and The Kafka's Doll by Gerd Schneider are visited with a view to highlight the later transformation of “the doll image” after the second feminist wave. This study contends that although “the doll” image transforms throughout the era and implies different gender codes, gender, gender stereotyping is still central.
  • Öğe
    A psychoanalytical analysis of the need for naming and the importance of names through The book of Proper Names, The Handmaid's Tale, The Earthsea and The Name of The Wind
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Altınöz, Fatma; Talay Turner, Zeynep
    ABSTRACT: The aim of this dissertation is to look into how human begins started to form languages in the early history and the reasons for why they started to name things and humans, which is followed by the ways and rituals that human beings have been following for the known history. How people earned their names in different cultures all around the world is given with examples. Different reasons and methods that parents follow when naming their children is also explained in the second part of the second chapter. However, what is the psychoanalytical and philosophical background that lies behind the reason for names and naming? This background is given through the teachings of Hans Blumenberg, Sigmund Freud, and Jacques Lacan. Blumenberg’s Work on Myth explains how and why humans started to name things and people and what they mean. When Blumenberg is giving these explanations, he often refers to Sigmund Freud and his theory on Angst. Therefore, Sigmund Freud’s ideas on “fear and anxiety” are also examined as well as his article the Uncanny as they are related, and namelessness is seen uncanny and thus feared. Here, Lacan’s theory on anxiety and the importance of language is also examined as it shows the importance of names in les symbolique. These theories of Blumenberg, Freud and Lacan are exemplified in the novels: The Kingkiller Chronicle (The Name of the Wind), A Wizard of Earthsea and The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • Öğe
    Preparing education for the climate crisis: critical overview of national K-12 climate change education policy in Turkey based on key informants' opinions
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Arık Akyüz, Burcu Meltem; Yardımcı Yalçıntan, Sibel
    ABSTRACT: The scope of this thesis is K-12 formal education in Turkey. I aimed to shed light on the current state of CCE policies in Turkey and the outstanding shortfalls by analysing education policy documents and discussing the views of key informants. I conducted a literature review, desk research, a descriptive education policy analysis, and in-depth interviews with key informants. I discussed the preparedness of the Turkish K-12 formal education system for the climate crisis and analysed whether the public administration in Turkey is able to prepare a consistent CCE policy that aims for urgent action. I examined Turkey’s climate policy in relation to K-12 formal education, the prevailing and potential impacts of the climate crisis on K-12 formal education, the actions required to strengthen K12 formal education policies against the climate crisis and necessary policies to reduce the effect of K-12 formal education on the climate crisis. The climate crisis is an ecosocial crisis. Therefore, I preferred climate change education, ecosocial policy, and the political ecologies of education for the theoretical framework. This thesis unearthed that the lack of an effective and ecological justice-based climate policy in Turkey impacts climate change education policies. Climate change education is carried out primarily by non-governmental organisations to the extent that there is funding. Studies on CCE in Turkey mainly focus on the curricula, public awareness, the perceptions, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of students or teachers. Holistic climate change education is urgently required, and active participation of students and teachers should be ensured while developing and implementing climate change education. Besides curriculum studies, research on infrastructure transformation is needed. Besides the climate crisis, policymakers should also consider the biodiversity crisis. National, regional and local climate change education strategies and action plans are needed. Decisionmakers should put effort on reducing the impacts of formal education on the climate crisis and adapting formal education settings to the impacts of the climate crisis.