MA in Organizational Psychology

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  • Öğe
    Self-construals predict personal life satisfaction with different strengths across societal contexts differing in national wealth and religious heritage
    (ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, 2023-07-04) Sanchez, Rodriguez, Angel; Işık, İdil
    We explore to what extent previously observed pan-cultural association between dimensions of self-construal and personal life satisfaction (PLS) may be moderated by three national-contextual variables: national wealth, economic inequality, and religious heritage. The results showed that Self-reliance (vs. dependence on others) predicted PLS positively in poorer countries but negatively in richer countries. Connectedness to others (vs. self-containment) predicted PLS more strongly in Protestant-heritage countries. Self-expression (vs. harmony) predicted PLS more weakly (and non-significantly) in Muslim-heritage countries. In contrast, previously reported associations of self-direction (vs. reception-to-influence), consistency (vs. variability), and decontextualized (vs. contextualized) self-understanding with personal life satisfaction were not significantly moderated by these aspects of societal context. These results show the importance of considering the impact of national religious and economic context.
  • Öğe
    The mediating role of self-leadership and group identification in the relationship between transformational leadership and performance
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2023) Arçak, Ece Nur; Czukor, Gergerly
    ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to analyze the role of self-leadership and identification with the group in the effect of the transformational leadership of managers on the perceived individual performance of the employees. A quantitative study of 403 people was conducted for this study. In the study, the transformational leadership scale, the group identification scale, the self-leadership scale, and the individual performance scale were shared with the white collars working under the top manager via an online form. The obtained data were analyzed with the SPSS program and PROCESS macro. Within the scope of the research model in this study, it is seen that transformational leadership positively affects self-leadership and identification with the group. It was concluded that self-leadership and group identification had a significant and positive relationship with performance. However, transformational leadership could not have a direct effect on job performance. The literature studies showed that the relationship between transformational leadership and performance was positive, and negative relationships were found in a few studies. Transformational leadership significantly impacts job performance when it is interfered with by group identification and self-leadership. As a result of the analyzes made, it is seen that the highest effect occurs through identification with the group. When previous studies were examined, no study was found that comparatively examined the effects of the concepts of self-leadership and identification with the group on the performance of transformational leadership. For this reason, this study will likely make significant contributions to organizational psychology and leadership studies. Since it is a study that examines the individual, the leader, and the group, it will contribute to human resources managers and professionals.
  • Öğe
    Entrance to be both mother and employee: maternity leave process, organizational reentry, and career development in Turkey
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2023) Güven, Gizem; Uçanok Tan, Başak
    ABSTRACT: This study aims to shed light on women employees’ experiences about maternity leave and organizational re-entry after maternity leave and how those experiences affect women employees’ career development. Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) provides a base for understanding the underlying dynamics of maternity leave and its relationship between organizational re-entry and career development. Organizational re-entry and career development are the most common topics in the literature concerning maternity leave. On the other hand, most of the research in Turkey is based on the examination of legal rights related to maternity leave. The maternity leave process can be considered a new phase for women employees in development and career perspectives because women experience being both a mother and an employee. It is crucial to understand the dynamics of this process based on a career development perspective for organizations to support women employees through Human Resources Policies to improve sustainability. In this qualitative study, ten white-collar women participants who returned back to work from maternity leave within 2-years in different sectors were interviewed. Overall experiences with maternity leave and its effects on career development are discussed, and three models based on SCCT models are proposed. Practical implications for companies and individuals based on necessities for successful return and factors that ease the adaptation process are introduced.
  • Öğe
    The effect of flexible working on the psychological contract
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Sezginer, Banu; Işık, İdil
    ABSTRACT: Although full-time work is at the center of business life, companies can apply flexible working types as a job requirement. Flexible working is considered different from full-time working, but it also finds its place in full-time working in various ways. Working from home, remote working, or hybrid working types, frequently used in full-time working with the pandemic process, can be given as examples. Despite the different ways of working, there are unwritten psychological contracts between the employee and the employer consisting of mutual expectations. These contracts may differ according to the working method and when the working conditions or models change. While transactional psychological contracts come to the fore in short-term flexible working forms, relational psychological contracts predominate in long-term full-time working styles. Since psychological contracts consist of unwritten expectations, they have a structure that can change with expectations. Therefore, changes in business life make it possible to switch from one psychological contract to another. It has been revealed that while companies manage change, giving importance to mutual communication and trust can prevent psychological contract changes or violations.
  • Öğe
    Narcissism and counterproductive work behaviors: the role of psychological entitlement
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Yalçın, Nihal; Işık, İdil
    ABSTRACT: People interact with every factor related to the organization they are in their business life, affecting the efficiency of the work done. Therefore, the behavior of people in the workplace is significant. Negative behaviors that do not contribute to increasing work efficiency in the workplace are called counterproductive work behavior. Some personal factors affect people's counterproductive work behavior. One of these personal factors is narcissism. Narcissism involves grandiose thoughts about oneself. Another factor is the psychological entitlement that manifests as an inflated self in the person. Psychological entitlement is seeing oneself as different and privileged from other people. This study aims to see the role of psychological entitlement in the effect of narcissism on counterproductive work behaviors. For this purpose, the Psychological Entitlement Scale, the Counter-Productivity Work Behavior Scale, and the Narcissistic Personality Inventory were applied to 142 white-collar participants from different sectors and with different work experiences. The findings obtained at the end of the study show that psychological entitlement has a positive effect on narcissism and counterproductive work behaviors, increasing the effects of narcissism on counterproductive work behaviors. In addition, the relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable and whether demographic characteristics affect these relationships were also examined in the study.
  • Öğe
    The role of work engagement and organizational commitment on job crafting in remote workers
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Çakır, Kübra; Işık, İdil
    ABSTRACT: The study's primary purpose is to measure the effect of organizational commitment and work engagement on job crafting in remote or home-office and office workers. The objective of this study is to gain an understanding of whether a relationship exists between work engagement and organizational commitment concerning job crafting behaviors in remotely working affairs, especially for those who are working actively from their homes in the Covid-19 era. The expectation is that a relationship exists regarding organizational commitment and job crafting and that remote work is the moderator; work engagement is the mediator of this relationship. We estimate that organizational commitment affects work engagement, especially when there are no opportunities for remote work. So, the expectation is that organizational commitments cause job crafting in the long term. While Job crafting is investigated chiefly in employees working actively from specific workplaces, this study will be nominated focusing on remote workers to bring a new perspective to the literature. The estimation is that remote workers' organizational commitment and work engagement will affect job crafting. Throughout this study, which implemented quantitative methodologies, participants were given a questionnaire that included demographic inquiries and questions based on a total of three widely-used scales. Meyer, Allen, and Smith's Organizational Commitment Scales` Turkish adaptation was applied. The Turkish version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) designed by Schaufeli and Bakker and the Turkish version of the Job Crafting Scale (JCS) by Tims, Bakker, and Derks were implemented to measure job crafting. Furthermore, additional questions were asked to understand the working environment and conditions. Overall, 78 questions were included in the survey. The scores were then analyzed in SPSS. The findings were consistent with the literature on organizational commitment, work engagement, and job crafting. It was discovered that work engagement and organizational commitment had a positive, statistically significant impact on job crafting. Additionally, it was found that work engagement significantly mediated the relationship between organizational commitment and job crafting. The only finding that differs from the previous literature is that remote working could not moderate the relationship between the predictor and the outcome in a statistically meaningful way.
  • Öğe
    The effect of flexible working on work-family spillover and the mediating role of psychological well-being
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Gezmiş, Yağmur; Işık, İdil
    ABSTRACT This study was carried out to understand the effect of flexible working on work-family spillover and the mediating role of psychological well-being. For this purpose, quantitative research was conducted with a sample group of 338 people. In the study, full-time private sector employees in Turkey were reached using the Flexible Work Options Questionnaire (FWOQ), the Work-Family Spillover Scale, and the Psychological Well-Being Scale. The data in the research were obtained with the survey method by sharing an online form. The obtained data were analyzed with the SPSS program and PROCESS macro software. As a result of the study, it was found that there were significant relationships between the variables. According to the t-test results in the study, it was determined that there was a significant difference in terms of negative work-family spillover compared to flexible working status. In the multiple linear regression analysis, the effect of attitude towards flexible working options on the sub-dimensions of work-family spillover was investigated. Accordingly, the work-life balance dimension has a positive and significant effect on positive work-family / family-work spillover and negative work-family / family-work spillover. The job responsibility dimension has a negative and significant effect on positive work-family spillover and negative family-work spillover. On the other hand, other employees dimension has a negative and significant effect on negative work-family / family-work dimensions. It has been found that psychological well-being has a mediating effect on the relationship between the attitude towards flexible work options and the positive work-family / family-work spillover. When the previous studies are examined, it is seen that the balance and conflict elements of the work-family relationship are discussed separately in the studies. Work-family life is also more integrated today, especially with flexible working models increasingly taking their place in business life. To consider that it is necessary to look at work-family from two sides and that they affect each other sometimes positively and sometimes negatively. It is thought that this study will make an essential contribution to the literature addressing the issue of work-family spillover. In addition, it is seen that the mediating role of psychological well-being also has a significant effect. All these outcomes in this study will contribute both to Organizational Psychology literature and to organizations going through the period when today's business life is gradually changing and transforming, and new working models enter our lives. Additionally, it is intended to shed light on today's perspective and research to be done in the future.
  • Öğe
    How good soldiers become bad apples? Unethical prosocial behavior and compulsory citizenship behavior: roles of psychological entitlement and organizational identification
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Çınar, Cemre; Czukor, Gergely
    ABSTRACT: Researchers traditionally focused on positive consequences of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as prototypical prosocial behavior while overlooked potential negative unintended consequences. The present study explores the dark side of OCB and underlying mechanism, potentially leading to unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) when employees are obligated to offer OCB. Although UPB research has investigated unethical leadership styles, dark triad personality traits and low moral identity as antecedents, research on how behaviors normally regarded as constructive turn into unethical behavior is still in nascent stage. Performing OCB as per controlled motives may lead to psychological entitlement (PE) to deserve ‘special and unique treatment’ compared to peers. In a survey design, the study examined COCB as a predictor of UPB, mediated by PE and moderated by OI. A total of 288 Turkish participants from variety of sectors including health, real estate, textile, retail, education, finance who met criteria of being full-time employed attended the study. The proposed mediation model was supported: PE mediated the positive effect of COCB on UPB. Specifically, COCB increased PE, and then, employees were likely to demonstrate UPB; and OI moderated the aforementioned mediating effect of PE, such indirect effect was significant when employees held higher OI compared to those low in OI. Harman’s single-factor test, and common latent factor analysis indicated that the data was not subject to common method bias. Overall, results highlight the importance of understanding destructive consequences of the interplay between organizational identification and externally driven OCB and implications for practitioners to find effective routes of reward system for reciprocating OCB by obviating PE mechanisms.
  • Öğe
    Finding authentic meaning at work and self-actualization from an existentialist perspective: a qualitative study for early career, female therapists
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Çabucak, Cansu; Czukor, Gergely
    ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this qualitative research is to answer ‘What are the lived experiences of therapists finding meaning at work?’ The aim of this study is to address this question by exploring early-career female therapists' experience of finding meaning at work in Turkey. The study collects data from semi-structured interviews with six female participants and is analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Analysis conveys how finding meaning at work can contribute to finding meaning in life while uncovering the challenges of the occupation. Results are collected under three categories as listed: 1. How do they define finding meaning at work, 2. How do they find meaning, 3. Factors that affect finding meaning at work. Each category has multiple super-ordinate themes, which are described here: 1.1 Comparison With Other Occupations, 2.1 Flow, 2.2 Taking Responsibility Of Their Choices, 2.3 Therapeutic Relationship, 3.1 Advantages Of Being A Therapist, 3.2 Existential Limitations, 3.3 Changes With The Effect Of Time, 3.4 Different Approaches, 3.5 Being A Woman/Sexism, 3.6 Early Career, 3.7 Work Environment. The results show that finding meaning at work is highly correlated with finding meaning in life and that all the participants claim to find meaning at their jobs. Although the results suggested that being a therapist is perceived to be a challenging occupation due to its nature, all the participants emphasized that they couldn’t have find similar meaning in a different occupation. The general objective of this study was to investigate how therapists define finding meaning at work, what the factors that impact how and how much they find meaning at work, and to question the link between finding meaning at work and in life. Additionally, this research approached finding meaning at work from an existentialist perspective; particularly focusing on self-actualization and authenticity and their relation to finding meaning at work.
  • Öğe
    Examination of early maladaptive schemas at workplace: influence of the job design on the relationship between ems and organizational outcomes
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Suliman, Özel Meryem; Günay, Gonca
    ABSTRACT: Person-job fit is a significant factor in terms of employee well-being and organizational efficiency. One of the essential pillars of this fit is compatibility between an individual's personality and the characteristics of the job in which he/she works. Whether the personality is congruent with the job characteristics or job design can be taken differently. For example, there are many studies on whether the five-factor personality traits are compatible with certain job characteristics. Personality is a comprehensive concept; therefore, it would be appropriate to explore the status of different dimensions of personality in the person-job fit equation. For this reason, it would be worth considering the early maladaptive schemas, which are highly related to personality, regarding the person-job fit. The subject of this thesis covers the effect of the compatibility or incompatibility between these schemas with job characteristics on employee engagement. In this study, in which 201 participants contributed, the early maladaptive schemas of the individuals, the design of the job they worked, and the level of employee engagement were measured. According to the study's findings, it was found that the level of autonomy of the job, the requirement of adaptive expertise, and the interdependent nature of work act as moderator variables in determining the engagement level of the employees with dominant impaired limits schema domain. In addition, it has been profound that while the engagement of the employees in which the other-directedness schema domain is dominant increases in the jobs that require adaptive expertise, while the level of passion decreases significantly in the job designs that do not develop adaptive expertise.
  • Öğe
    The effect of attitudes towards women managers on work engagement and organizational commitment in Turkey
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Kepez, Begüm; Tan, Başak Uçanok
    ABSTRACT: The main aim of the study is to investigate the effect of employee attitudes toward women managers on both organizational commitment and work engagement on a sample of white-collar employees. In this relationship, work engagement is expected to function as a mediator between attitudes toward women managers (ATWOM) and organizational commitment, and gender is expected to moderate the effect of attitudes toward women managers and employee engagement. This study investigates the mediating and moderating mechanisms among the variables by using the attitudes toward women managers (ATWOM) (Aycan, 2012), work engagement (Schaufeli and Bakker, (2003) and organizational commitment scales (Allen and Mayer, 1990). The sample included 193 participants from different companies and sectors. In addition to the main variables, a sociodemographic data form was administered to collect demographic information. Attitudes toward women managers was found to significantly correlate with organizational commitment and work engagement. The mediation effect of work engagement was partially confirmed for the relationship between organizational commitment and attitudes toward women managers. Furthermore, mediated moderation and moderator analyses to test the moderation effect of gender did not reveal any gender moderation effect on the relationships. The main conclusion drawn from the study is that employees’ attitudes toward women managers significantly predicts employees’ organizational commitment and work engagement regardless of the employee’s gender.
  • Öğe
    Leaders' impact on employee well being during the Covid-19 pandemic: a leader-centric perspective
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Gezgin, Cem; Czukor, Gergely
    ABSTRACT: This study intends to clarify a model in detail, utilizing an interpretative phenomenological analysis of expertise and attitudes associated with leadership and emotions in organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic, which trigger followers’ psychological well-being in addition to their physical well-being, and leaders' professional interactions, in the context of a simultaneous and unprecedented sort of global health catastrophe. The focus of this research is on the impact of the leader's attitudes on organizational well-being as well as their perceptions of the corroborative benefits and drawbacks of their follower wellbeing and dedication techniques. This research aims to identify if autocratic leadership style is a preferred method during the pandemic and to understand from the leader’s perspective what leadership styles leaders indeed prefer in tackling the pandemic processes in their attempt to affect positive organizational well-being. Furthermore, this research seeks to provide an understanding, from the perspective of high responsibility leaders, of the significance of organizational contexts that play a critical role in shaping the correct conduct of leadership and its practices. The COVID-19 pandemic is an example of an extraordinary situation that helps to expose the need for an in-depth analysis of existing organizational psychology research studies, and this study seeks to suggest the required results for the above-mentioned purpose, in particular, to identify if autocratic leadership style is the proper method to guide organizations through such a global health crisis. Furthermore, the analysis aims to reveal several main leadership issues in volatile and turbulent conditions, detailing true significant, comprehensive, ethical, and appropriate occupational measures that cause anxiety among followers and institutions, changes in general legislative policies, and impacts organizational well-being, which, if affected severely, may lead to a critical deterioration of organizational performance. Utilizing the interpretative phenomenological analysis methodology and to provide a detailed interpretation of the current research, the researcher has surveyed seven (7) participants with proven leadership skills, examined, and explained through the descriptive narratives of the participants the effects of autocratic leadership or preferred other leadership approaches on emotions in organizations in a specific context (i.e., COVID-19 pandemic). This study’s findings suggest that the consequences of this disaster highlight the need of using leadership abilities correctly and on time. The study’s results indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, a more moderate, people-oriented leadership style can have extremely positive organizational effects in terms of the sustainability of all operational functions, their further development, increasing productivity, changing or reorganizing the workforce structure, and proper management of emotions in organizations that lead to beneficial organizational well-being. This study’s literature review further suggests that a leader who tries to direct his followers using an autocratic leadership style can have a significant detrimental impact on their performance, especially in times of crisis. As a result, the autocratic leadership style can have extremely negative institutional consequences during the globalization process, particularly during global pandemic crises, because it can be disapproved by followers who are more knowledgeable, open-minded, have quick access to global resources, and become independent, inquisitive, and active. In particular, the autocratic leader does not guide, educate, or mentor his or her followers; followers, on the other hand, require stronger and more positive leadership attributes in times of crisis, which the autocratic leader does not provide. However, as this study’s results strongly indicate, a more follower-focused style of leadership (i.e., transformational leadership style) proves to be an effective method of positive psychological (follower) reinforcement. This study’s results, hence, identify these theoretical implications through a carefully structured thematic analysis of the participants’ narratives.
  • Öğe
    Workplace ageism in Turkey: an urban legend or realİty? – a qualİtatİve study
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2022) Koç, Ebru Erten; Czukor, Gergely
    ABSTRACT: This study aims to understand whether organisations in Turkey have an ageist and discriminative attitude towards their older employees. The study examined the existence of ageism and age-based discrimination with the help of three groups of participants: Firstly, the employees who are over 45 that do not hold managerial positions; secondly the human resources managers, and lastly the function managers, all to be in the same organisations. The frequencies, recurrencies and attributions of expressions are examined to understand the general attitudes towards a particular age group. The primary concern of the study is to understand whether there is a perceived potential in older employees to be valued as important assets to serve to the future of organisations, and the ways chosen to reveal this potential for higher work performance. Developmental activities of organisations and the intention of older employees to participate those activities are also examined. The mediating role of Human Resources Management (HRM) implementations and leadership support are also among the key findings of this study. And finally, alternative career paths to be designed for older employees were investigated from different point of views of the participants. Due to limited research available, this study is expected to contribute to the social sciences literature based on ageism in work life in Turkey.
  • Öğe
    Occupational physicians’ and occupational health and safety specialists' psychosocial risks: a mixed-methods research with Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Bektaş, Sadık; Işık, İdil
    ABSTRACT: Employees are exposed to psychosocial risks in almost every field in the workplace. Occupational physicians and Occupational Health and safety specialists, as the people responsible for health in the workplaces, are also the frontiers in the fight against psychosocial risks. Our study is to measure the psychosocial risks that occupational physicians and Occupational Health and safety specialists are exposed to and therefore to determine the psychosocial risks that people who struggle with psychosocial risks are exposed to. To measure psychosocial risks within the scope of our study, the Copenhagen Psychosocial Risk Scale (COPSOQ), WHO-5 WellBeing Index, and Challenges Of Occupational Safety Specialist Scale were applied to Occupational Health and safety specialists and occupational physicians. Our study was created using a mixed method. In this way, both the psychosocial risks that Occupational Health and safety specialists and occupational physicians are exposed to were measured with reliable scales. Furthermore, the psychosocial risks they are exposed to from the first source were revealed through their own experiences. In this context, interviews were conducted with six occupational physicians on psychosocial risks, and the results were revealed by qualitative analysis. By measuring the sub-dimensions of psychosocial risks and the extent to which they are exposed, it has been tried to reveal what problems they suffer. In this way, it aims to contribute to the scientific literature on psychosocial risks and prepare a study that will help researchers look for occupational health and safety solutions.
  • Öğe
    The performance management systems’ transformation: from current to renewed approaches"
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Nuraydın, Özge; Işık, İdil
    ABSTRACT: This study aims to understand the transformation journey of Performance Management Systems in terms of how they are applied to today’s business world through the examination of Human Resources (HR) professionals. Several questions were raised to understand their Performance Management Systems’ current state and critical reasons for transformation: What was the current system used by the companies? How were the roles and responsibilities within the process, and how was the managers’ and employees’ ownership?, How do HR professionals assess the current system and future implementations?. Accordingly, semi-structured in-depth interviews were done with 10 HR professionals. An inductive qualitative content analysis technique was used and analyzed the data. The findings of this study contributed to a general understanding of Performance Management Systems’ Transformation with its pros and cons, challenges during the change management, and adaptation process with constructive suggestions.
  • Öğe
    The effect of learning agility on job performance and job satisfaction and moderating role of personal traits
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Öztürk, Mine; Czukor, Gergely
    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of learning agility on job satisfaction and job performance, in light of the moderating roles of personality traits on these relationships. Following this purpose, quantitative research was carried out among 116 participants working in different sectors. In the study, the Learning Agility Scale, the Job Satisfaction Scale and the Job Performance Scale was used. Also, personality data were collected for each participant. Personality traits were measured by the Big Five Personality Traits inventory. Learning Agility scores were calculated and correlated with participants' job performance and job satisfaction. Then personality traits' moderation role in those relationship was examined. The study revealed that learning agility highly correlated with job satisfaction and job performance. However, MANOVA analyses indicated that Learning Agility was significantly predictive only for job satisfaction. Further analyses identify that only emotional stability and extraversion have a moderation effect. The study showed that, learning agility will play a helpful role in companies' processes of finding, hiring, and retaining talent. In the following processes, companies' hiring individuals with high learning agility will also ensure high job satisfaction and job performance of these individuals.
  • Öğe
    Analysis of flexible work transformation based on organizational change and performance model
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Kuzdağ, Yasin; Işık, İdil
    ABSTRACT: Organizations have to make structural changes due to technological developments, economic changes, or legal regulations. These organizational changes are seen as necessary for organizations to survive and improve their performance. While sometimes these transformations are only about one dimension, their impact is on the entire organization. It is seen in the literature that most of the change attempts have negative consequences. As a result, loss of performance, intention to leave the job, low motivation, and physical and psychological health deterioration happen. Flexible working has remained on the agenda throughout the pandemic process and has become a model preferred by organizations. The transformation to alternative working arrangements can affect employees' work life, not limited solely to time/space flexibility. This transformation may carry changes in internal communication, employee wages, and benefits. This thesis is a qualitative study that includes secondary data analysis. The analyzes are based on Burke & Litwin's (1999) Organizational Change and Performance Model. The Organizational Change and Performance model is an open system theory that explains the effects between variables with cause-effect relationships. This model consists of twelve variables. The thesis examines the transformation of flexible working practices in the technology, oil-gas, and energy sectors as an organizational change.
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    Transformational leadership style and the emotionally intelligent leader's contributions to organizational performance amidst a global health crisis: An interpretative phenomenological analysis from the leader's perspective
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Sonsino, Selim; Czukor, Gergely
    ABSTRACT: This research aims to develop an understanding from the leader's perspective of the effects of the transformational leadership style and the emotionally intelligent leader's contributions to organizational performance during a global health crisis, and determine the correlations between the two constructs and their combined effects on crisis-management processes. Crises endanger the stability of an entity and they are predominated by confusion, volatility, and turbulence. Hence, during a crisis, it is inevitable that the follower will expect his or her leader for a sharp and clear direction and it is up to the leader to steer and support the follower through this tough environment. In a context that evolves dramatically because of the global health crisis (i.e., the COVID-19 pandemic), organizations recognize the fact that they have to change and adapt swiftly to address the new requirements, which develop gradually. Only by embracing and applying a leadership approach that meets adequately the requirements of this turbulent environment, can organizations maintain their competitiveness and ensure future success and sustainability. This qualitative study aims to examine the roles, which the leader's distinct attitudes collectively play in guiding the followers as well as the organization through times of unprecedented social and economic turbulence. Specifically, it explores how the pressure, anxiety, and ambiguity attributes of a crisis influence the cognitive, adaptive, and psychological facets of deciding and suggests an understanding that emphasizes the influencing effects of transformational leadership style and the leader’s emotional intelligence in the leader-follower relationship. The researcher, in this study, uses an interpretative phenomenological analysis methodology of the data derived from the leaders’ individualized descriptive narratives of their perspectives, feelings, and actions. The researcher, for this study, has interviewed eight (8) participants, all having substantial leadership experiences. Accordingly, this study aims to offer a comprehensive evaluation of research embedded in transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, crisis management, and the relevant fields and probes the potential ramifications for the leader, follower, and organizational performance through extracting and indicating the relevant subordinate themes and superordinate themes, which the researcher has constructed from the participants’ narratives. The researcher expects the findings of this study to show that there is a strong correlation between the transformational leadership style and (trait) emotional intelligence. Besides, the researcher anticipates also the findings to suggest that the leader, who is well equipped with both of these constructs, is capable of gaining the trust of his or her follower and, hence, succeeds in controlling and driving the psychological and the physical (workplace) environment. This fact eventually leads the organization through a path to efficiency during the crisis. Reckoning with the relevant literature and explanatory phenomenological analysis methods, the researcher examines and discusses the results of this study in the following chapters.
  • Öğe
    The impact of positive psychological capital on job search behavior with the mediator role of perceived employability among fresh graduates
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Yelok, Işık; Güler, Burcu Kümbül
    ABSTRACT: Changing technology, negative changes in the economy and competition in the labor market make the job search process of new graduates challenging. In this competitive environment, resources such as psychological capital help new graduates to gain advantage by positively affecting their employability perceptions. The effect of psychological capital on the job search behaviors of new graduates was examined with the perceived employability mediator variable in this study. Accordingly, 168 new graduates who graduated from public or private universities in 2018 and 2019 and who are actively searching job took part in this study. Participants completed the Psychological Capital Scale, Perceived Employability Scale and Job Search Behavior Scale. This study showed that a positive effect of psychological capital on job search behavior and employability perception, and similarly positive effect of employability perception on job search behavior. In addition to all these, the mediating role of the perceived employability between psychological capital and job search behavior was found to be statistically significant. Findings of this study are considered to have a contribution both to job search literature and to practitioners working as consultants for the job search of senior university students and new graduates.
  • Öğe
    The mediating role of cognitive flexibility between job-related stress and organizational commitment: A study on insurance sector employees
    (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2021) Birgün, Gül Deniz; Malkoç, Asude
    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is examine whether cognitive flexibility has a mediator role between job stress and organizational commitment. Independent variable of the study is job stress, dependent variable is organizational commitment and the mediator variable is cognitive flexibility. In this research, quantitative research method and snowball sampling method was applied to collect data. Data was collected form total of 416 participants, including 83 women and 183 men, working in Istanbul. Participants were asked to fill in their demographic information first, and then they were asked to answer the questions of the Job Stress Scale, the Organizational Commitment Scale, and the Cognitive Flexibility Scale. The collected responses were tested in the SPSS Statistic program by performing demographic analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, correlation, regression analysis and mediation analysis. According to the findings of the study, the mediating role of cognitive flexibility has been observed. According to the results of the demographic variables, there is no significant difference in organizational commitment levels according to gender and educational status. On the other hand, there is a significant difference in the organizational commitment levels of the variables of marital status, job position, age, income level and total work experience.